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What you need to know as a yr6


Don’t be a bully. Don’t lie. Don’t look down Don’t try to fly.    Don’t avoid people. Don’t be mean.  Don’t stay up late. Don’t cheat you’ll be seen.   Don’t talk too much.  Don’t freak out when birds fly in. Don’t leave stuff on the ground, put it in the bin.



One sunny day I made a lemonade stand then out of the wheat farm a man came crawling to the stand for lemonade. The thirsty old man cried for lemonade, ” LEMONADE “ I said , ”  NO you have to pay 10 cents for a glass ” I tapped on the 10 cent board. […]



Skiing was very funny Skiing is very painfull Falling is common

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The Hunger Games


Death ,  Katniss , Peeta , Weapons , Love , Saftey , Life , No Freedom , Prim.  Another = Prim  Im so desperate to win I hope that everything goes to plan. I will try my hardest and nothing will stop me. Katniss   

The Time I Hurt Myself … BADLY!


Once I fell of the 2 metre chain and scrapped my knees , thighs and some where else. I was laughing HARD OUT so were my friends. After that I got off by flipping backwards ( im an expert ) The good thing about that is that it was really funny but the bad term was […]

The Shadow Of Blue


Once upon a time a little girl with red hair sat on a bench, a bench in a park. She watched while a Monarch butterfly fluttered through the sky and drifted ever so softly. The girl caught the butterfly and set it free. She grabbed a blue piece of square paper and folded it into […]

Dear Who Ever Gets This,


On the 6th of the 6 1809 I caught a big gorily human !!! First he was chasing me like mad i ran , doged, jumped and leaped it all worked out when I ran into a tree hole he just ran onto the tree then got stuck.(LOL)He was FREAKY like Salad Fingers ( a […]

My Hunger Games Token


My token is special to me because it has leafs, water and rain and that is all part of nature and I love nature. Nature reminds me of  fun out side  and kart wheeling, skipping, running and hopping arond.That is why  my token is special to me.

Hunger Games


It was so sad when I, Katniss had to go into the Justice Building with Peace keepers. They sat me on red leather chair and said “wait here to say your goodbyes’s So I did.While I waited I looked at the nice bright colours like the dark pink wallpaper and yellow chandilier. In front of […]

Hunger Games Writing Prompts


Once I fell of f a chain bridge and hurt my knees , thighs and somewhere else. I was laughing hard out my face was red ! My friends laughed as well but it dindnt bother me. After I got off everybody helped me. The good thing was it was sooo funny and the bad […]

My Own Mad Lib


I recently had the honor of taking our class pet, a lovely lion named Jake, to my house for the weekend t carried the humongous guy in his stinky cage and left him on the kitchen snail as I went about my afternoon chores of unloading the head washer and taking out the shikaku. When […]



Sasparallas(noun) A small piece of ruber used for rubbing out pencil marks. Sasparallas are sold at stores like Smiggle ,the red Warehouse ,Warehouse Stationary and Spotlight. Artists,students teachers and builders use rubber but probably not the cute ones. Sasparallas come in many diffrent colours ,shapes and sizes like Danielle’s her rubber is fat and mine […]

My Very Own Community


In No Name Town my friends and I make the rules, our rules are not strict. My family and I are the bosses and No Name Town is under water because it is blue and i love blue. You can breath because there is a big, big, big, big, semi circle around it. If a […]

Karate In Invercargill


On the 7th of February 2012 karate started. My Dad and I joined. When we started, we ran around the dojo touched the ground then ran again. Also  we ran , stomped and did a push up. We practised stuff like blocking punches and fighting back. When we were finishing off we had to do […]

Windy Days In Invercargill


Leaves fall softly like paper being thrown around . Birds struggle to fly in the sky> Also hair Blows to one side untill you move and face another way exactly like when girls dry their hair.The wind makes a loud noise and rubbish flys. Sometimes the wind is good because I can fly a kite […]


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