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death buy lemonade


One hot sunny day I was sitting in a corn field selling lemonade at my lemonade stand. While I was waiting for someone to come I was reading the news paper.

All of a sudden I heard a weird noise,”chh chh.” It came again.

“chh chh chh chh.”

I pulled my news paper away from my face and there right in front of me was a man puling himself across the ground.When he looked and saw that I was looking at him he said,”please give me a glass of lemonade I’m dyeing.”

“No.” I said.

Then all of a sudden he died. The sky went black and a man came down. His name was Death. Death started to look for the man but he could not find him. He finally noticed that he was standing on the dead man. He picked him up and fell backwards . He knocked my lemonade stand. I was so ANGRY. I got up and went and grabbed his coat.

He said, “Let go!”

I said,”No! I want uhh oh yeah 50 cents.”

Death said, “No.”

He hit me and I died.

I was dead forever.


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