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I was sitting at my lemonade stand   minding my own business  waiting  for  a customer to try my lemonade my mum made  yesterday when suddenly, scratch! scratch!  Something was coming through the bushes . It was a man. A very old , thirsty man trying to get my lemonade. Well trying  but  i didn’t care how old or thirsty he was. He could clearly see in big letters there was  10c  written below lemonade .

” Thirsty i am thirsty, ” said the old man. Next minute , splat! He was on the ground like  completely still on the ground. He was dead. Just then a whole dramatic thing  happened. A freakish guy was standing on the dead guy.

“Oh, ” said the grim reaper picking up the dead guy.

He spilt my lemonade. I tugged his cote and said you owe me 50c. Then he killed me.

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