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The Shadow Of Blue


Once upon a time a little girl with red hair sat on a bench, a bench in a park. She watched while a Monarch butterfly fluttered through the sky and drifted ever so softly. The girl caught the butterfly and set it free. She grabbed a blue piece of square paper and folded it into the shape of a wonderful butterfly which made her smile with joy. All of a sudden a big gust of wind came and off went the little girls butterfly. The little girl was very sad about losing her blue butterfly. She thought of making  new butterfly instead but decided to chase after her pretty blue butterfly. When she came across a crow chasing the butterfly too, so she threw a rock at the crow and the crow flew away and chased her. The little girl hid behind a tree and scared the crow with two branches while waking a noise, “roar!” It really scared the crow and made it fly away. The little girl sat down a sobbed to herself.While the little girl was crying the butterfly fluttered to her and cheered her up.The little girl as back on the bench holding the blue butterfly because she cant really walk it was all a dream. Her caretaker came out and put her in her wheelchair. Her legs dangle because she disabled. While she is in the wheelchair the butterfly comes to life and filling the orphanage with the love the girl felt for the butterfly.

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